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About Us

Our Story 

Based in Bergen County, New Jersey, CAPE was initially founded by fifteen students from grades 8-12, determined to drive change in their communities. Amidst growing indifference and declining community service rates among youth, our mission was clarified: advocate for social change and fight apathy through volunteerism. 


With departments consisting of research, outreach, and advocacy, as well as content creation cohorts, members are able to shape their own CAPE experience based on factors such as interests and skill set. Through engaging, hands-on opportunities, we have created and connected over 800 certified community service hours (and counting), through which volunteers can earn President's Volunteer Service Awards.


Despite being faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic just weeks after founding, we have established means of operation, service projects, and involvement operations that can be applied in both virtual and in-person settings to ensure everyone's safety while working to make an impact on our communities. 


CAPE is an ever-growing organization consisting of individuals with true talent and potential. Please keep an eye out for our future projects and development as an organization! 


Our Values

Respect for the people and communities we serve


Inclusivity and diversity 


Accepting responsibility and accountability 


Upholding integrity 

We are committed to:

  1. Accepting responsibility for our impact on the community 

  2. Acting with integrity and righteousness under the law 

  3. Treating fellow members and anyone being worked with with respect 

  4. Promoting diversity and inclusivity 

  5. Maintaining transparency to the public

  6. Serving the community for public good

Our Executive Board

Annabelle Hur

Annabelle has always believed that the youth is the hope of the nation. Currently working through multiple community organizations, she is an active advocate for social justice. Annabelle hopes CAPE will inspire teens to raise their voices and take action in their communities. She aspires to study business marketing and communications. Some of her hobbies include playing guitar and combating retail therapy.

Yena Choe

Ever since her first volunteer opportunity for a local election campaign, Yena has been heavily involved in community service, having volunteered for various politicians and organizations. She is a passionate advocate for social justice and combating apathy, and founded CAPE in hopes that it will help amplify young voices. She hopes to study political science in the future and loves history, fashion, and music.  

Serine Jang

Serine has always fought for what she believes in. She is an activist and works to be a leader in a community. She hopes that CAPE will allow and encourage others to voice their opinions and beliefs. Some of her interests and hobbies are fashion, taekwondo, engineering, and playing the piano. 

Karis Cho
Creative Director

Karis is a strong believer in that empathy is the key to making the world a more just place. She has seen this throughout her time in community service and now through CAPE. She believes that raising awareness of social inequality will provoke fellow teems to get involved in bending the long arc towards social justice. She is interested in deepening her understanding of social psychology to create change. In her free time she loves to express herself through musical theatre, writing, and graphic design.  

Natalie Kim
Fundraising Director

Believing in the ideas that CAPE showcases, Natalie is beginning to solidify an active role in her community. She believes that CAPE efficiently educates others and raises awareness on popular platforms. Her interests surround psychology and philosophy, and she has aspirations in becoming a psychiatrist. Her hobbies include painting and playing the piano and guitar. 

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